The sounds of summer/fall.

   As I am sitting here writing this post, I hear the sounds of songbirds singing in the trees that are in my back yard, and the traffic that is going up the highway that is right behind those trees. As well as sirens from fire trucks as they rush to put out a grass fire.
   I don't know why I'm writing this, but I am.

   Because I want this post to be utterly random, here is a video of christian comedian John Branyan, where he spins the tail of the three little pigs. In Old English.

Just watch. It's worth the time. Oh and a disclaimer, because it startled me the first time I saw it, he's not smoking a real cigarette. It's one of those fake cigarettes. Just thought I'd mention it :)
I have this little thing that I'm currently excited about.

Ok, so it's not such a little thing...

It's more like a huge thing.

Something really big.




     Seriously, I can't believe how excited I am to be able to watch a LOTR movie in theaters!! Because I cannot contain this excitement, here are a bunch of photos.
Fili and Kili (by far my two favorite characters)
Thorin Oakenshield (son of Thráin), the leader of the dwarves that go with Bilbo
A more dark photo of Thorin Oakenshield
Thranduil (Yes, I spelled it right on the first try) Legolas' father.
.   And for those of you who haven't seen them yet, here is the link the where there is 5 trailers (all the same except for the endings). I cannot tell you HOW EXCITED I AM TO WATCH IT.

I'll leave you with this.

Namárië! No galu govad gen.
   I saw this photo of these rare cats that were thought to be extinct. They're called sand cats, because they live in the desert. There was this female cat that gave birth to 4 kittens in a Jerusalem zoo, and now the zoo people are trying to breed these cats so that there will be more of them, and then they'll try and ween them so that they can go back into the wild.

I love how this little kitten looks!! Just thought you'd like to see this little adroable face!!
   You know when the unexpected happens, and it leaves you with cold shivers running up your back? Yeah that just happened.
   I was browsing through RED's band members' twitter accounts to see what they've tweeted about their new album (coming out in Feb of 2013).
   I go through Anthony's twitter account (guitarist) and see that he's posted a photo of him with his guitar; Joe (drummer) said something about hanging out at a snare factory, while Mike (lead singer) said he's going to get some Jamba Juice before heading back to record some more.
   When I get to Randy's page (bassist), I see that he's wanting to spend more time in the sun (woo-hoo). I scroll down his twitter feed to see what else he's tweeted.
   I come across this drawing. My interest grows as I'm always curious about drawings Randy's tweeting. For those of you that don't know, Randy (and his twin, Anthony) can be quite... blunt-brutal-honest, about drawings that people send/give him. Example? Sure.

Randy: It's me. I think.
Anthony on four drawings, one of each band member: Yikes!

   So as you can see, they speak their mind on what they think. Even in videos, they will speak their mind. Now, they don't mean to hurt people with what they say. They are just being honest, but without mincing it. Which is why they can be quite brutal with artwork.

That is why I think I got off easy. 
   So as you can see, Randy managed to find my drawing of him. And tweeted it. And I didn't send it to him. I'm not sure if he liked it or not. He didn't say anything like "yikes!".
   What I think he's saying is because his twitter name is LOW BROW BASS, he's connecting it with the comment "Is my brow really that low?".  Do you think that's a compliment?? I don't know.

   It doesn't matter, because I like it, and knowing that he's seen it is enough to make me giddy with happiness! This is where those shivers go up my spine.
   Recently, I've fallen in love with a worship song called Take Me In by Kutless. I don't know whether Kutless wrote the song or not, but it is a powerful song.
   I first heard this song at a home group meeting, and immediately fell in love. The words ring with truth, and make me want to sit down and weep, jump up and sing, shout and dance, but also bow my head in reverence and awe because I know that it is a privilege to worship. And am thankful that I CAN worship. And to be able to sing this to my Father, the Almighty God, is enough to overwhelm.
   But I want to learn it on the guitar, so I can completely worship Him by creating this type of music to bring Him more praise. I want to play this song until my fingers bleed. Yes, it's my worship obsession.

Here I am...Here He is... Here We are... Take Me In...
Strong Tower by Kutless.

Take Me In.



Worthy of our praise.

One name.

An infinity of names.

Our God, Yeshua. Jehovah. Alpha and Omega.

God is I AM.
I found this picture one day, and found it incredibly interesting. For those of you who don't know, the left side of your brain is mathematical, and the right side of your brain is artistic. Every person uses one side of their brain more than the other. I thought I would be the person whou would use the Right side of the brain more than my Left. But after reading over this, I'm not sure... This, of course, being loosly grouped together, and not everyone is everything that is listed, and it isn't from a Christian perspective, so things aren't necessarily correct, or true. Here's what it says because it's too small to read.
Left Brain
I am the left brain.
I am a scientist. A mathematician.
I love familiar. I categorize. I am secure. Linear.
Analytical. Strategic. I am practical
Always in control. A master of words and languages
I am order. I am logic.
I know exactally who I am
Right Brain
I am the right brain.
I am creative. A free spirit. I am passion.
Yearning. I am the sound of roaring laughter.
I am taste. The feeling of sand beneath bare feet.
I am movement. Vivid Colors.
I am the urge to paint on an empty canvas. Art. Poetry. I sense. I feel.
I am everything I wanted to be.
So, reading through that, I came to realize that I paint with the left side of my brain. Why? Well, I use my right brain with "creative", "passion", "yearning", "vivid colors", "urge to paint on an empty canvas", and "art".
But, I use the left side of my brain to paint with "linear", "strategic", "practical", "always in control", "order", and "logic".

So, I paint with the left side of my brain.

How about you?

Signed with apple pie - Leauphaun