Some of you may know that the band RED is creating their 4th album as we speak. The album releases on February 5th and SOME OF US ARE REALLY EXCITED.
   They've been tweeting pictures of their adventures in the studio, which I've found hilarious! Particulary the photos that contain Randy (the bassist).

Here are some photos that I've saved from their adventures, check it out. And release the panic.
Randy Armstron with his bear "Thunder"
Anthony holding their new $5,000 guitar (jealous!)
Mike, Joe and Anthony (Randy is the one closest to the camera *goofball*) =)
Anthony with his starbucks, beside their amps
Anthony Armstron with his PRS guitar
Randy, Anthony, Mike and Joe in the recording studio with the wonderful people who are working on making this record work.
Anthony and Randy laying out some SICK sounds
This is how much meat 4 grown men eat... where's the veggies??
10/25/2012 04:42:55 pm

Aww, what a neat group of guys! I love behind-the-scenes like this. =)

Hey, BTW, if you have a minute to spare, I wanted you to know to check out the questions I've tagged you with here:

God bless!

10/26/2012 02:48:26 pm

They are awesome!! Some of the best guys out there =) Me too!! Behind-the-scenes are almost as much fun as the original porduction =D

I'm currently sick at the moment *stuffy head*, but I'll check it out as soon as I can =) Thanks!!

God Bless you too!! - Leauphaun


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